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POCU Indigo Outdoor Pillow
POCU Indigo Outdoor Pillow
POCU Indigo Outdoor Pillow
POCU Indigo Outdoor Pillow
POCU Indigo Outdoor Pillow
POCU Indigo Outdoor Pillow
POCU Indigo Outdoor Pillow
POCU Indigo Outdoor Pillow

POCU Indigo Outdoor Pillow

Regular price

Our POCU pillow is meticulously crafted with Sunbrella Performance yarn. The fabric is composed of 100% solution-dyed acrylic, ensuring its resilience against UV radiation, mold, mildew, and staining. This durable fabric is designed to stay beautiful and worry-free, whether used indoors or outdoors, season after season. Inspired by the rich texture of bouclette yarn, POCU brings a subtle yet sophisticated touch to any setting.

This pillow is designed with an invisible zipper on the bottom and comes with a luxe angel hair outdoor insert. Available in 2 sizes, 22" x 22" and 25" x 18". This fabric is PFAS free and OEKO-TEX® Certified. Made in the USA.


This item is in stock and ships within 7 days of purchase. When your order is ready you will be notified and sent tracking info. 


Clean with natural soap and lukewarm water, sponge and rinse thoroughly to remove dirt. Chlorine bleach (one part bleach and two parts water) can be used to clean stubborn stains. Rinse thoroughly and dry. 

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